Andy Meinzinger
Missionary Candidate to Sri Lanka
Andy has been serving full time with Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) of Washington, Whatcom County chapter since the summer of 2009 when he came to Whatcom County as a summer day camp intern. The Meinzinger‘s then came on staff January 1, 2010 as full-time missionaries with Child Evangelism Fellowship of Whatcom county where they have served ever since. During these years the Meinzingers have co-labored for the Gospel and have been greatly encouraged to obey the Lord's call on their life no matter the cost. Andy, Rachel & the girls have now been called by the Lord and commissioned by CEF international to be full time missionaries to Colombo, Sri Lanka. Once there, Andy will be starting up CEF ministry as their local director and building a team to reach the children of Colombo with the Gospel.
The primary ministry that the Meinzinger‘s will be a part of once they arrive in Sri Lanka is evangelizing boys and girls with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, discipling them in the word of God and establishing them in a local Bible believing church. The primary way that this ministry will take place is through the training of local believers to do the work of the ministry with their own people. The children of Colombo Sri Lanka will be reached by the Meinzinger‘s through teacher trainings oriented towards workers going out into Sri Lanka to do weekly club ministry with children known is Good News Clubs®.
A basic need that CEF of Sri Lanka has is English speaking teacher trainers equipped and able to pour into workers and teach locals how to conduct CEF ministry out-reach. For several years CEF of Sri Lanka has prayed for a full-time English speaking worker who is willing to live and do ministry in Colombo Sri Lanka. It is the Meinzinger’s joy to be just that, full-time workers living and do ministry in Colombo Sri Lanka. This will be a difficult work as the country is mostly unreached with only 1% professing protestant believers on the island.
Right now the Meinzingers are in a season of raising prayer and financial partnerships. They’re looking for churches where they could share with missions-minded people that would enjoy hearing about their ministry and possibly joining their prayer and support team.